Nevil Shute - on the beach
Melbourne墨爾本, Australiast.
kilda pier聖淇塔碼頭 -37.864664, 144.970407
Alex Garland - the beach
Ko phangan帕安島, Thailand(Ko Samui) 9.733259, 100.203061
人類很早就開始利用海洋,腓尼基的航海文明 早在公元前2500年,地中海東岸的有一個國家叫腓尼基。腓尼基的意思就是"造船者"。
人口最多的都會地區 (google map) 東京(Yokohama橫濱, Kawasaki川崎, Saitama埼玉)3340 首爾2320 墨西哥2210 紐約2180 孟買2130
指數成長(exponential growth):數量以固定百分率增加,其成長曲線為丁(J)字型。在族群生態學上,指族群數量在一段時期內,呈現以固定百分率(指數)增加的成長模式;其成長曲線成丁(J)字型為其特徵。
直線成長(linear growth):在一單位時間內數量以常數增加,如1, 2, 3, 4, 5 或1, 3, 5, 7, 9 等依此類推。此類成長速度若將其繪成線直線成長性圖,則圖形為一斜率上升的直線。
physical geography (spit沙嘴longshore drift沿岸漂流 swash沖流 backwash回流 )
human geography (relationship of people to their environment)
regional geography (offshore zone離岸區swash zone衝濺區 dunes沙丘 lagoon潟湖 mainland大陸 )
box1.A(space空間, location區位, place地方)的定義
space: means extent or area, unsually expressed in terms of the earth's surface.
location: means a particular position within space, usually a position on the earth surface.
place: also means a particular position on the earth's surface; but, in conrtrast to location, it is not use in abstract sense but confined to an identifiable location o which we load certain values.
Mount Everest珠穆朗瑪峰(8848m) 27.987450, 86.924226
Kronborg Castle(Hamlet哈姆雷特堡)Helsingor, Denmark 56.038889, 12.620845